- Controllers dont gfo thbrouigh to the gamecube usb adapter install#
- Controllers dont gfo thbrouigh to the gamecube usb adapter drivers#

(04-20-2016, 04:08 PM)admin89 Wrote: Afaik, Dolphin doesn't need 3rd party driver, the only exception is PS3 controller (and maybe xbox360).
Controllers dont gfo thbrouigh to the gamecube usb adapter drivers#
I've tried uninstalling and deleting the drivers associated with THAT device in the Device Manager and changing USB ports a million times but I can't seem to proceed anywhere because every tutorial calls for the WUP option in either Zadig or the Device Manager. (04-20-2016, 03:32 PM)FinnaVanilla Wrote: I went through dozens of tutorials and the main thing I'm noticing that's different is when I try to replace the drivers in Zadig, I don't have any "WUP-028" options, but I DO have a "mayflash Gamecube Controller Adapter" option. Why 4.0-5886? If there's no particular reason to not use the latest development version, download the latest development version. I know I may be missing something careless but I've been at this for hours to no avail, any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. There is also no "Direct" option in my Controller setting in Dolphin, it says "Adapter not detected" I went through dozens of tutorials and the main thing I'm noticing that's different is when I try to replace the drivers in Zadig, I don't have any "WUP-028" options, but I DO have a "mayflash Gamecube Controller Adapter" option. Upon searching I found that I had an old version and then downloaded 4.0-5886. I then go to set up the controllers in Dolphin 3.5 only to realize the adapter shows up twice in the dropdown for the controller selection, but nothing registers when I hit the buttons.
Controllers dont gfo thbrouigh to the gamecube usb adapter install#
When I plugged it in, Windows automatically installed its drivers, and then I got the drivers from the Mayflash site, (which itself was a pain because Windows wouldn't let me run the program to install them until I put the program in a hard drive other than my main one). Hey all, after hours of searching, uninstalling, re-installing, I'm about to throw myself off a cliff trying to set up this adapter I got today.